Monday, September 14, 2009

Hoppin' across the pond

Two weeks in the UK: We're ready! Above, my luggage.

And above: Matt's luggage. I have no defense, I guess I just need a lot of stuff.

I am beyond excited, London is my favorite city in the world. And I am even more excited to go there with Matt. I have usually been alone while traveling in London, except for those few days with Hedgehog, (but I wished I was alone and walked a few steps ahead of him the whole time, have you met Hedgehog? Then you'd understand) and a few excellent days with Elly (see previous blog posts, am too lazy to link to it at the moment). Anyway, when I think of being in London, I think of long solitary walks, turning up my iPod on the tube, people-watching through my camera lens, eating Pret-a-Manger sandwiches on my hotel beds. This time I'll get to share it all with someone, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with. *end schmaltziness*

Don't worry, there will be plenty of snark and witty observations as I blog from this trip!

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