Tuesday, October 23, 2007

For Faye

"Hi Faye, I'm an adorable little quiche. An epinard et chevre quiche, to be exact. I am absolutely bursting with goat cheese goodness."

The nouances of language say so much about a culture. Like for example, the French say fromage for cheese, and chevre for goat cheese. Goat cheese is so special that it would be silly to call it fromage du chevre, it must elegantly have it's own name. But in English we have to call it goat cheese, as clumsy and unappetizing as that sounds.


Anonymous said...

OR.. "But in AMERICAN we have to call it goat cheese, as clumsy and unappetizing as that sounds" ...In ENGLISH, it's goat'S cheese which is slightly less clumsy and unappetiSing sounding in my opinion!! ;-)

fayebaye said...

Maaaahaaah! Goat cheese! Goat's cheese! Fromage!