Originally uploaded by rosebuttons

Today I think I've officially hit my stride and I'm relaxing into this vacation mode. Armed with my camera and a wee map book, I set off to wander. The transit workers are still mostly on strike today, so I planned to stay within walking distance of my apartment. As it turns out, Paris is perfect for walking. If I'd gone underground I would have missed so much. And the photos...so many photos! I could have randomly aimed my camera with my eyes closed and caught beautiful shots...
I started out on the Ile de la Cite, in the middle of the Seine. First I wandered a bit then went into Sainte Chapelle. When I first entered the church, in the lower chapel, I admit a had a moment of, "Oh. That's it?" until I found the stairs and entered the upper chapel, and I had a bigger moment of, "Oh. This is it." The stained-glass windows were amazing. I suppose each window has some biblical significance, but I'm not much for that kind of stuff. I just like pretty, and it sure was.
Then off to Notre Dame. I wandering in the cathedral for a bit, and stumbled upon the noon mass. It was in French...I was a little disappointed it wasn't in Latin. Not that I would have listened to it anyway, but it would have completed the experience. Then I queued up outside to climb the stairs to the top. I happened to be in line behind an American family. I think they might have been afraid they would forget where they were, because each of them wore a piece of clothing with PARIS FRANCE emblazoned on it. Kudos to them for finding the airport gift shop before even entering the city.
While I'm convinced that narrow, winding staircases will be the death of my and my clumsy feet, I did make it up all 400 steps to the viewing deck, and it was worth it, to meet the sneering gargoyles and see all of Paris stretched before me.
After Notre Dame, I found a cafe on the Ile St Louis for lunch. I think I actually ordered my meal in French, and I must have been somewhat successful since I got what I thought I had ordered.
On the way back, I stopped in the Place des Vosges park for some people-watching, wandering down the rue des Rosiers in the Jewish quarter, and popped into the Musee Carnavalet to learn about the history of Paris (but mostly because it was free and I wanted to use the loo).
And now, I'm off to the Louvre. Because it's open late on Friday nights, and because, hey, I'm in Paris :)
I'm glad you've quickly learnt that the nicest free loos in Paris are in the museums - even some restaurants charge!
Oh, and great shot of the gargoyle!
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